Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Why Japanese

I chose to study Japanese to fulfil my foreign language requirement. I have absolutely no interest in the matter. Just kidding. I'm a big fan of the Japanese Manga Series Naruto, and I have been watching the anime since I was 7. 

After four weeks of Japanese lessons, I found myself in love with the writing system. Honestly, Hiragana reproduction made my struggle when we first started. But it is no longer the case. I am more than excited to learn Katakana. 


  1. Alex-san, I completely agree with you about the writing system. Although I don't know very much about manga or anime, I bet it will be even more fun to read/watch as our Japanese improves!

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  3. I've been a long time follower of Naruto as well! Who's your favorite character?
    As for the writing system, I actually found it very hard to get used to writing Hiragana since I was used to writing Chinese which has a very rigid structure. Though I shouldn't complain since it helps a lot with Kanji.

  4. Alex-san, how is your katakana/kanji study going? むずかしいですか。
